Eliza Stopps

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Right now, I'm working on my Paige Parker Mysteries series on Kindle Vella and a new book in the Leslie Kim Serials. You can be the first to find out when my next book releases by joining my list.

Read new episodes of my latest Kindle Vella story every Saturday.

You will get a free copy of my book, The Departure, a prequel to the Leslie Kim Serials when you sign up for my list.

The Departure gives some backstory on Leslie Kim and helps fill in the gaps about what happened to the world. Why do Vampires exist? What was it like for Leslie to grow up in that near-future world? This book is short, 52 pages, and will arrive in ePub format. All you have to do is confirm your subscription to my list!

If that doesn't work for you, send me an email and I can convert it to your preferred format.

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My emails are infrequent. Between book releases, I will only reach out to share promotions for free books, interesting new blog posts, and news about my writing.

I promise that I'll try not to be annoying. ^.^

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